今天的时代已经步入快速增长f agricultural as well as industrial sector. To achieve the goal of the future food demands, the farmers have to implement the new techniques which will increase the overall crop production rate. This Paper deals with the various sowing methods used for onion seed sowing in India for seed and fertilizer placement. The comparison between the traditional sowing method and the new proposed machine which can perform a number of simultaneous operations and has number of advantages. The main focus behind this machine is to reduce the human effort as well as problem of availability of labor & there cost of work. Generally this machine reduces the cost of labor, efforts and total and fertilizer placement. The seed sewing machine is a key component of agriculture field. The performance of seed sowing device has a remarkable influence on the cost and yield of agriculture products. Presently there are many approaches to detect the Performance of seed-sowing device. The depth of seed sowing is affect the crop yield therefore to adjust the depth of seed sowing & head to head distance between two seed a seed metering device is the heart of seed sowing machine between seed varieties. High Precision planters have been developed for many varieties of crops, for a wide Range of seed sizes, resulting to uniform seeds distribution along the travel path, in seed Spacing. This technique result in improvement in yield: by proper operation in the field we are increase the productivity of seed through 5% to 10%.Plant to plant distance: We are maintaining the plant to plant distance by providing a 12 number of cells on rotor. Saving labor cost: The transplantation of onion require lot of labor as well as charge is more so we are by using this machine able to reduce the labor cost.
When the implement attaché to the tractor and operated in the field. A tractor is drawn in forward direction ridges are formed on either side of Sara machine at spacing of 6 feet. The space between two ridges is can be made perfectly horizontal by adjusting top link of hitch unit attached to the tractor.
When tractor moves in forward direction the ground wheel in contact with the soil rotate. The lugs provided on the outer periphery of ground wheel provide a better gripping to the ground wheel due to which ground wheel rotate according to the grip provided. The ground rotation of ground wheel shaft is also rotate along with sprocket rotate. The rotary motion of the ground wheel is transmitted to the intermediate shaft by using a chain mechanism. The intermediate shaft is provided to reduce the vibration and fluctuation. The power or motion from the intermediate shaft is transmitted to the sprocket mounted on the seed rotor shaft. When sprocket on the seed rotor shaft is rotate along with shaft also rotate. The seed box shaft rotate with the help of chain sprocket arrangement along with rotates the vertical rotors with cells on the periphery fitted inside the seed box and bottom of the seed hopper as shown in figure
2)天气影响:our seed box is not affected by weather because we are use a water resistant PVC material and so it is anti-corrosive.
3)节省时间:It is automatically onion seed sowing machine so it will reduce the broadcasting, transplantation time.
4)较少的维护:If this machine is used properly then no need of maintenance and if there is no need for replacement of parts except in case any accidental problem in the field.
5) Improvement in yield:通过在现场的适当运行,我们将种子的生产率提高到5%至10%。
6)植物到植物距离:We are maintaining the plant to plant distance by providing a 12 number of cells on rotor.
Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.