Development of working model of Manual operated multipurpose Seed driller and fogging cum sprayer pump

Development of working model of Manual operated multipurpose Seed driller and fogging cum sprayer pump

This project emphasizes on minimization of harmful efforts of using the manual seed driller and fogging cum sprayer pump. In the first part the new developed seed driller is operated on the solar power and it consist of different parts likes’ wheel, frame, bearings, seed drilling pipe and its attachment and Seed Drilling box. In the new modified seed driller attachment is fixed at the back side and between the two bearings is attached with the frame for supporting wheel.
In second part the new developed sprayer pump is operated on the wheel power and it consist of different parts like’s bearings, sprayer nozzle and its attachment and water tank. In the new modified sprayer pump attachment is fixed on the frame and between the two bearings is attached with the frame for supporting wheel and front wheel. Then wheel start the rotating the pump linkages is start rotating due to pressure is generated spray is generated in nozzle.
Now the project mainly concentrates on designing a suitable operating system. To maintain simplicity and economy in the design the locally fabricated unit has been used.
Our project achieves higher safety, reduces human effort, increases the efficiency of the grass cutter, reduces the work load, reduces the fatigue of workers and reduces maintenance cost.
Objective of the project
1 To understand the basic principal of the seed drilling& spraying
2 Describe the construction and working of various parts of our project
3 Development of the demonstration model of mini Seed Driller using and fogging cum sprayer pump
Block diagram and working
Main parts used in project

Development of working model of Manual operated multipurpose Seed driller and fogging cum sprayer pump
Development of working model of Manual operated multipurpose Seed driller and fogging cum sprayer pump

• Seed Drilling box & attachment

• Water tank & sprayer Nozzle
Application of project
  • Main application of the project for agricultural purpose
  • Seed drilling
  • Fogging cum sprayer pump
  • Home lighting purpose
  1. Zero emissions
  2. Not electrical bill
  1. High initial cost
  2. Solar power as per available sun ray

Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

3 thoughts on “Development of working model of Manual operated multipurpose Seed driller and fogging cum sprayer pump

  1. I want document details for Development of working model of Manual operated multipurpose Seed driller and fogging cum sprayer pump can u arrange

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