Automatic paper cutting machine using Geneva mechanism

Automatic paper cutting machine using Geneva mechanism

This machine is also used to cut the various kind of paper products, plastic, thin film, leather, slice of nonferrous metal etc. This system can be applicable in paper cutting industry and proves how it can be a low cost solution in the production practice也可以看看:Paper Cutting And Rewinding Machine Mechanical Project

Automatic paper cutting machine using Geneva mechanism
Automatic paper cutting machine using Geneva mechanism


Traditional hand lever cutting machine has drawbacks viz. it doesn’t provide safety to operator. It is not user friendly as every time user has to adjust the paper to desired cut position and hold the paper before taking cut. It is very time consuming and tedious process to take a job with different cut size so such machine also accuracy job taken on this machine depends on operators skills.
Geneva mechanism is commonly used indexing mechanism where an intermittent motion is required.
The conventional Geneva mechanism is generally simple and inexpensive. Because there is no special curved profile on any of the components except straight lines and circular arcs.
该机器的主要目的是减少标记论文的时间。因此,这台机器正在基于时机完全工作。它在书籍或笔记本中有广泛的应用区域 制造业,访问卡或标签制造业 etc.
Main Components Of Projects :
  • 日内瓦轮:在我们的日内瓦,驱动的车轮有四个插槽,因此,对于驱动轮的每个旋转,驱动器的进展为90度。因此,360度的1/4度实现了间歇性运动。
  • SPROCKETS:链轮或链轮轮是带有牙齿,齿轮甚至与链条融合的链轮的配置型轮。链轮用于通过滚子链之间的两个轴之间的电力传输。
  • ROLLER CHAIN:Roller chain is the type of chain drive most commonly used for transmission of mechanical power between two sprockets. It consists of a series of short cylindrical rollers held together by side links. It is driven by a toothed wheel called a sprocket.
  • 裁纸器:A paper cutter is a tool, designed to cut the paper with a straight edge. Paper cutters vary in size. This paper cutter is used as the oscillator in the four bar crank and lever mechanism.
  • 线圈弹簧:线圈弹簧(也称为螺旋弹簧)是一种机械元素,通常用于存储能量并随后释放它。该线圈弹簧用于将切割器带到其原始位置。
  • 轴:A shaft is a rotating machine element which is used to transmit power from one place to another. This shaft form an integral part of the machine itself. The crank shaft is an example of machine shaft.
  • PAPER ROLLER:纸辊是一种间歇性运动时用于滚动纸的元素。纸辊用于喂养纸张而不会造成任何损坏。
1。When the cam pin is in extreme right position i.e. engage position, the crank shaft will be at extreme bottom position. Hence the cutter is in full open position and the spring will be in rest position.
2.When the cam pin is in extreme bottom position i.e. disengage position, the crank shaft will be at extreme left position. Hence the cutter is in partial cutting position and the spring will be in partial tension.
1。No need for marking the paper.
4.Manufacturing cost is less.
6.Compact in size.
1。Can’t able to cut the papers above 15 cm width.
3.Can’t be used for large scale industries.
3. It can be used in many small scale paper industries.
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Karan Borase先生
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Sachin Thorat

Sachin is a B-TECH graduate in Mechanical Engineering from a reputed Engineering college. Currently, he is working in the sheet metal industry as a designer. Additionally, he has interested in Product Design, Animation, and Project design. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.

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