Flywheel Based Battery Charger Mechanical Project

- This project, as name suggest is about fabrication of a battery charger that uses flywheelfor the purpose.
- In its simple construction the project model uses a flywheel made up of steel, MDF, ironetc. basically the flywheel is made using two and more component for durability and costsaving. This flywheel is made to run by human power, which is transmitted to the sameusing paddle, sprocket, chain and free wheel mechanism.
- The mechanical power fromthis flywheel is then transmitted to the electricity generator using transmission thatmultiplicities the speed of flywheel and then transmit it to the generator unit.
- Themechanical power from the flywheel thus gets converted into electric power that is thereafter stored in a secondary battery using a charging circuit that has various functionalitiesassociated with it like wise overcharging protection, low discharge cut off, high voltagecut off, current back flow proofing etc.
- The whole assembly is put together in a spaceframe made up of iron. As far aspossible the frame is made portableand easy to carry.
The capacity of the project can bevaried from 1.5 volt battery chargingto 12 volt battery charging. The sizeof the project work varies as that ofcapacity. - This project has very potential toconsidering commercial point ofview. As load shedding is major on going issue in remote, rural as well as urban area.This device can perform well for agricultural as home use. In urban area this device canalso perform the work of exercising machine as well as can also be used for back toelectricity.
- Thus the device can play multiple roles in everyday life.The project work can be made on full scale as well as scale down version, but in bothcases the project is fully functional or working in nature.
Nice article.
I have a question, can it possible to connect it to the stationary driving engines
Thus by just increasing the engine capacity and by multiplying the power available to the generator we can charge large batteries
yes just like generators
I need the PDF and pics of prototype
cool… can i have prototype #admin
what is the final cost of project?
pdf please …………..
total cost in complete project
I Need flywheel based on battery charger project report pdf pls send me…
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What is the final cost for this project??
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I want to know size and weight of flywheel
I want to know the final cost for this complete project
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Sir Please send me the pdf or some text to make this project
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