


A split air conditioner consists of two main parts: the outdoor unit and the indoor unit. The outdoor unit is installed on or near the wall outside of the room or space that you wish to cool. The unit houses the compressor, condenser coil and the expansion coil or capillary tubing. The sleek-looking indoor unit contains the cooling coil, a long blower and an air filter.

There are two main parts of the split air conditioner. These are:

户外单位:This unit houses important components of the air conditioner like the compressor, condenser coil and also the expansion coil or capillary tubing. This unit is installed outside the room or office space which is to be cooled. The compressor is the maximum noise making part of the air conditioner, and since in the split air conditioner, it is located outside the room, the major source of noise is eliminated. In the outdoor unit there is a fan that blows air over the condenser thus cooling the compressed Freon gas in it. This gas passes through the expansion coil and gets converted into low pressure, low temperature partial gas and partial liquid Freon fluid.


分开冷却装置consist of three heat exchangers. The temperature of water of the Evaporative cooler decreases gradually after starting the cooler. This cooled water is supplied to the Split Cooling Unit. When the air passes through the heat exchanger, it losses its heat and cooled air of 25oC is supplied to the room without increasing its humidity. This unit can be used in non coastal region.
modified split cooling unit free download project report mechanical
modified split cooling unit free download project report mechanical


The experimental investigation above confirmed that split unit demonstrated reasonable potential for use as a wetted media in evaporative cooling systems. Consequently, it creates the possibility of new sustainable engineering systems where either cooling or humidifying is required. As the unit maintain the temperature 25°c and it has low cost than AC so it will be good replacement for AC..
For the future modifications, if the density of the split unit is reduced then we can achieve better performance than that achieved. Also we can increase the thickness of the pad to achieve good performance.
Calculation and Design , experimental procedure is given in the report which is Submitted by Mr.Chetan Sonwane.


This Project is Done by Mr. Chetan Sonawane.
You can Contact him onChetan..sonawane7373@gmail.com

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6 thoughts on “改装的空气冷却器,带分体式冷却报告下载

  1. Hello, great innovative idea of cooling. A window air conditioner unit implements a complete air conditioner in a small space. This kind of split air condition can be the source of new cooling system. Thanks for the nice post.

  2. Hello,


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